We are always ready to satisfy the most disparate requests. The "Industry and Canteen" Line was born from the need of our customers to have the TOP of our product but in MAXI format.
"All the good from the Tavoliere delle Puglie".
The Industry and Canteen line includes:
Our"Heart of Artichoke", or clean violet artichokes deprived of the stem, selected and packaged,
The"Cubed Pumpkin": it is peeled and cleaned butternut pumpkin, reduced into cubes.
The"Flowers of Broccoli",the softest and richest in flavor of our broccoli, that of the inflorescences, which are carefully cut from the whole broccoli body, selected and packaged.
The"Cored Pepper", the best selection of our peppers, cored and seeded, cleaned and packaged.